Omnimo 10 Basics

Help Document and Tutorial

Getting Started

Types of Elements

Omnimo has 2 types of Elements - Panels and TextItems. Panels are rectangular, while TextItems have no background.

Context Menu

All Items in Omnimo have a Context menu. It's important to know that you can right-click any element for additional features.

[Can't see images? Click here]

If you are using a Tablet, you can access the Context menu by setting Omnimo into "Edit Mode" from the + Icon.

Adding Items

Clicking the + or "Add Items" will always bring up the Gallery.

The Gallery has several pages, that you can switch through from the Sidebar on the left. Some pages have more items than can fit on a page, use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll down to see more Items.

To add an Item from the Gallery, simply click on it, and it should appear on the left side of your screen. Then drag it to position.


Here you can change the design of the Elements.


This page has advanced settings, please be careful when changing them. Changing the DPI Scaling on a small display can make Omnimo impossible to use.

You can set the Weather Code here, if you think your Weather information is incorrect

Hiding Desktop Icons

You can use Omnimo with, or without Desktop Icons. The "Desktop" panel that comes by default allows you to switch between your desktop icons and Omnimo by clicking it once to hide, and then once again to bring everything back.


Panels are the rectangular elements which contain information, launch apps, etc.


Panels can be moved anywhere on the screen

Changing Settings

Right click a Panel and select "Item Settings" to change it's settings. Not all Panels have settings, but many do


You can resize a Panel by right-clicking it, selecting "Item Settings" and then using the slider to resize. Press the "apply" button for the setting to take effect.


Most Panels can be recolored, right-click and select "Item Settings" to change color. Press "apply"

Size and Color Reset

If you aren't happy with the size and color of an Item, select "Item Settings" and press "Reset" to restore it back to default color and size.


Many items have alternative designs. Right-click and select "Alternative" to switch

Add Another

Some Panels and TextItems have another version of themselves, in case you want to have two or more. Right-click and select "Add Another".

Alignment Tool

Use this tool to align your Panels to a perfect grid. You can also lock element position so you don't accidentally drag them.

Additionally, you can hold CTRL+ALT and click on any Panel to drag all of them together.

Press "Shift" while dragging a Panel to prevent it from snapping to grid


TextItems are all other elements that aren't Panels, for example the big world clock, power button, RSS reader, etc.


TextItems can also be moved anywhere on the screen

Changing Settings

Right click a Panel and select "Item Settings" to change it's settings. Not all Panels have settings, but many do


You can resize a TextItem by right-clicking it, selecting "Item Settings" and then using the slider to resize. Press the "apply" button for the setting to take effect.


Most TextItems can be recolored, right click and select "Item Settings" to change color. Press "apply"

You can reset the and size color to default by clicking [RESET]


Many TextItems have an alternative Design. Right-click and select Alternative to switch.

More TextItems

Omnimo contains uncatalogued TextItems. Try to see if you can discover them via the Right click > More options menu.

Backgrounds and Decoration

You can use the built-in backgrounds to cover your desktop.

The CUSTOM Background is extensively customizable, right-click it to access the Settings window.

Layout Manager

Using the Layout Manager you can save everything that's on your desktop for later or for sharing. Simply click on one of the Floppy Disk icons to Save. You can also save with the Wallpaper. To delete layouts, see below.

Each saved layout has an individual mini theme switcher. You can add it to your desktop to instantly switch to that layout, for example, if you switch displays often, they could have their own "Layouts".

If you think you made a great theme, you can export it as a *.rmskin file as a backup and share it with your friends. Please note, that the theme will only be for the display resolution of your monitor, and might not look great on smaller, or bigger screens.

To delete themes, press on the Edit icon on the bottom right of the Window. The default theme can't be deleted.

Panel Creator

Panel Creator can make items from Shortcuts or PNG images dropped into its window. To delete Panels, select the edit icon on the bottom right of the Window.

You can export the Panel you created by pressing "Export" below the green button. Please note, that if you close the window, you will not be able to export the Panel so easily anymore.

Extra Creator

With this tool you can create elements based on PNG images. They can be assigned to launch an app or website. These items will not be shown in the Gallery and can only be deleted manually.

These tips are generally for more advanced users. Be careful, as you might break your Omnimo configuration!

Editing Panel Styles

WP7\@Resources\Common\Color\ - Edit this file with notepad for some crazy styling!

Panel Template

If you want to create a Panel for sharing, you can base it on this template: WP7\@Resources\Common\PanelCreator\Templates In the Panel Creator, Export any random Panel as a *rmskin file so you'll have an installation template. Put the files you created into that rmskin file using 7-zip and you're done!

TextItem Template

As TextItems don't really follow any particular template, feel free to base it off of the Resource Usage item. Then follow the same steps as Panel Template to create a rmskin file for sharing.

Sharing Skins

DeviantArt is a great place to share your creations. Just make sure to specify that they require Omnimo to run

Custom Translations

If you haven't found your language in Omnimo and are so inclined to help, we included a translation template for you, it's located here: WP7\@Resources\Readme\Translate It may be much, but it's worth it! Make sure to check out the Partially Completed Translations, maybe you can base it off of that. Send us your translation and receive a small gift :)

DPI Scaling

Do you have a 2K or 4K monitor? Chances are the appropriate scaling is already applied. But if you find that everything is too small for your liking, try changing the DPI Scaling setting. You can even change it manually in WP7\@Resources\Common\Variables\ (ScaleDpi). Setting it to 0.75 for instance will make everything smaller. Setting it to 3 will make items impossibly huge. Be careful as not to wind up breaking everything. We included an Emergency DPI Release in the Extras folder of the installation you downloaded.


Some common issues and questions, please read carefully before contacting us

I have a red box saying some features aren't available and blocked by my AV

Please click the link in the box to read more and hopefully fix the issues.

Can I use Omnimo alongside other Rainmeter skins and/or desktop icons?

Yes and yes! Since everything can be freely rearranged, you can use any part of Omnimo alongside other suites. You might want to close the background (right click -> close) and move things to the right to use Omnimo with your normal Desktop Icons.

How do I change the mouse-over color on the Panels?

You can change it by going into "Personalization" and RIGHT-clicking the preferred color. You can also disable the mouse-over color in the Secret Style Settings.

I closed the + button and I cant access the gallery any more.

The gallery can be accessed by right clicking any Omnimo item and selecting "Add Items". To restore the Plus icon, press on the hamburger menu in the gallery and select Add Launcher+. You can also activate it by right clicking the Rainmeter tray icon and Skins > WP7 > Lancher. If even that doesn't work. Try restoreplus.rmskin in the Extras folder of your installation.

Omnimo is slow for me

You need to update to Rainmeter 4.0 - it's a significant improvement in performance. You should also use less interactive panels such as system monitoring and web parser modules. Omnimo was created and optimized entirely on a laptop with a 1.1GHz processor; if you don't use too many heavy panels, Omnimo should run very well even on older systems. I would recommend avoiding using the Task Manager and Visualizer items, if they lag.

Weather forecast is in Celsius, how to change it to Fahrenheit?

Go to the Settings in the Gallery and unselect "use celsius".

My antivirus detects there might be a Trojan in this suite.

Don't worry! This is a false positive triggered by the UPX compression used in our configuration utilities. Since Omnimo 5 we reduced the amount of UPX compressed files to just 1. Please let us know which antivirus detects it so we can contact them and notify about the false positive detection.

I contributed to Omnimo (helping/donations etc) but I haven't received my complimentary panel pack.

Send us an email at omnimosupport[at] reminding us. There is no auto-reply system, so please be patient.

I found a bug in Omnimo/Translation.

We continuously try to perfect our product, however only 2 people can't make sure everything is flawless in a project this big. So please email a bug report to us at omnimosupport[at]

All of my desktop icons are hidden, even after deleting Omnimo, how to get them back?

Right click your desktop, under View, select Show Desktop icons. If the icons didn't show, right click it again, and again select Show Desktop Icons, then it will show them (bug in windows).

I made a nice desktop layout and I don't want to lose it.

Use the "Save Layout" feature under the + Icon

Some panels do not snap accordingly, how can I align them?

You can hold the SHIFT key while dragging the panels to fine-position them. This tip along with many others can be found in the Omnimo Tips panel (recommended to read).

I accidentally set a Panel\Config to be Click Through, now I can't access it.

Press and hold the CTRL button and right click the skin, then uncheck that option

My userpicture doesn't show

Go to control panel, accounts and set your userpicture again. On Windows 10 it's a hit or miss, so maybe try setting your userpicture from the Item Settings.

MediaControl doesn't work with my media player, what to do?

First of all, you need to make sure you're using one of these players and that you typed its setting correctly. (For example, Windows Media Player is WMP, iTunes is ITUNES, and so on) Here is a list of the players:

  • AIMP: PlayerName=AIMP
    Fully supported. Tested with AIMP 2.61.
  • foobar2000: PlayerName=CAD
    Fully supported. The foo_cad plugin (download) needs to be installed.
  • iTunes: PlayerName=iTunes
    Fully supported. Tested with iTunes 10.2.
  • J. River Media Center and Media Jukebox: PlayerName=CAD
    Fully supported through the CAD interface. The intcad plugin needs to be installed.
  • MediaMonkey: PlayerName=MediaMonkey
    Fully supported. Tested with MediaMonkey 3.2.5.
  • MusicBee: PlayerName=CAD
    Fully supported. MusicBee 1.2 (or higher) is required.
  • Winamp: PlayerName=Winamp
    Fully supported.
  • VLC: PlayerName=CAD
    Fully supported. The libcad plugin for VLC must be installed.
  • WMP: PlayerName=WMP
    Fully supported, except for the Repeat / Shuffle types.

  • Didn't find what you're looking for? Contact Omnimo Support